Friday, September 20, 2013

My Dirty Laundry.......................

By nature I look for deeper meanings, I look for symbolism and the message behind the image. I like to find purpose, deeper than just the obvious. Don't get me wrong I know the obvious and I am not living in a rose colored glasses kind of world. (I'm reminded of that frequently) It's just something that I enjoy doing from time to time, to make the mundane a bit more enjoyable.

 So as I walked pass the laundry room today, I couldn't help but think..."what's that laundry telling me?"

With further contemplation I realized, it reminds me...

That I am Blessed to have family to create such a pile, I have a home where I can do the laundry, that I didn't make the laundry a priority for a few days and I've been doing others things...which I enjoyed a whole lot more, and in the fun reminds me that with a pile that size I will make the time to crank the tunes and do a little "rock and fold" for a few hours. 

So see, sometimes it really is ok to air our dirty just all depends how you look at it!


Lisa Valentine said...

There's a lot of insight in this post. There is joy in the mundane. When I look for the little gifts that come with each day, my view of the world changes for the better. Even something as simple as the laundry can lead to a train of gratitude like the one you wrote about. Thanks!

Maria Holme said...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts Lisa! You get me. :) Taking time to find the gentle reminders in the mundane certainly can ease the stresses a bit can't they?