Friday, October 19, 2012

Bit Of Housekeeping............

An organizational post today: In a continuous quest to ensure that my days run smoothly....which I highly recommend, if you can find those little things that "could be easier if"  - go ahead and make them happen.........I am going to try my own blog post "schedule" of sorts.

Moving forward I will share my main post on Sunday evenings. Then mid week a smaller post, most likely consisting of inspirational quotes that really speak to me. I will also include snippets of my thoughts / feelings of the moment.

Notice how I use words like "of sorts" "going to try" "most likely" and "mid week"? Putting that buffer in place to minimize the stress is just one of the little tricks I use to ease that self imposed pressure.

I thought that creating some consistency too, for you dear readers of when I post, could be like tuning into that favorite TV show. You know when it's on and where to find it....and if you don't catch it, reading the post later is like "on demand"'s there whenever you want it.

With my thoughts and ideas going in a variety of new directions for the upcoming year, I wanted to make sure that I put in place designated time for my blog..........because it is truly the fire in my heart that inspires and motivates me!

As always, would love to hear from you....go the word "comment" it's right there below the post.


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