Saturday, May 31, 2014

A Face Of True Beauty...........


There is inspiration all around us. Whether we find it in watching a child discover they can ride a bike for the first time or tie their shoe, or watching an elderly person master putting on their socks, oh and how about the miracle of perennials ...that one still inspires me to keep coming back and trying again when I'm feeling discouraged.

Inspiration comes in many forms. One for me that stands as a reminder, validates my thoughts and truly inspires me is.....quotes!

The master of quotes for me has to be the incredible Maya Angelou! Her recent passing brought to mind her stand out quotes that have both captured my feelings and inspired me over the years.

One quote that I adopted years ago and consider a driving force of how I try to live my Life is..........

This quote both guides me and serves as a barometer in my day to day choices. I decided long ago that I would try and live a Life of making a difference for others. My thought was that it would keep my Life centered in a positive direction that would, however small, touch lives with kindness and make others truly FEEL!! (Secretly wishing there could be a pay it forward effect and together we could sprinkle our own part of the world with kindness)

So my two cents for today Dear Readers is "find your inspiration". Something that serves as your beacon to point you in the right direction and serve as your compass to keep you on track......perhaps a quote would be a match for you too. Find your "something to live by".

Rest in Peace Maya, though we never met, you play a pivotal role in how I live my Life...and for that I say a heartfelt Thank You!

For a collection of Maya Angelou's quotes, that just may inspire you... CLICK HERE

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Find Your Words..............

Staircase in the Vatican
Words that impact me, stay with me for a long time. I use them for "go to" moments and continue to glean from them. Today, I share a few that have made a difference for me, in the hopes that they do the same for you.

"I'm living by my beliefs".  This powerful statement came from my dear seventeen year old son. As the two of us navigate these teenage years, let's just say we don't always see eye to eye, and tensions get high. This past week he shared those words with me and I thought to myself, "there is a lot of power in those words, don't ever let that go". OK my true thought was "there is a lot of power in those words, once you leave this housedon't ever let that go". But honestly, deep inside I am so glad he has such conviction at a young age. I know it will take him far, and serve him well.

"Do it now, or you might not get the chance". While chatting with a very elderly gentlemen, he shared with me that his Life slipped by because he kept putting things off. He admits to avoiding things out of fear and now feeling it was a limited Life as a result. His words resonated with me and I took them to heart. I revisit our conversation when I need that little nudge and grab hold of the strength he gave me.  

"I am where I'm suppose to be, doing what I'm suppose to be doing". Friends and I were recently catching up and one shared that she had left her job in order to be home more. Her children are young adults, still living at home and needing her in new ways. Her statement was full of a genuine peacefulness that touched me......Such pure joy to feel anchored in what you are doing!

Take the pieces that work for you Dear Readers: no not everyone can leave their jobs, but we can work to incorporating something into our lives that feels really really right. And think of staying true to your beliefs when faced with struggles and questioning what choice to make. Grab hold of strength that comes from believing in you and know that Life does go by quickly and there is not always "more time" to master all you want to experience. You can make it happen!

As a little side note to my post...when I asked the elderly gentlemen something he wished he had done, he replied "seen inside the Vatican". I made sure our next visit included pictures of the Vatican and all its beautiful glory.  It certainly did not make up for a Lifetime he felt had slipped away, but it did bring a smile to his face and tear to my eye.

                              Find your Vatican and hold on tight!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Look To The Light..................

As I look to pull together today's post, I wonder what direction I will go in. Sometimes it's perfectly clear, today, not so much!

With my blog, I try to share something that I hope is identifiable to others, and can serve as an aha! moment for both of us.

So for inspiration I flipped to my pictures of Old Quebec City, still on my traveling victory

Stopping at this picture above, I was reminded of the abundance of overwhelming feelings I had at the time I snapped it. Feeling unsettled, being far from home (not an easy feeling for me) but at the same time sooooo glad I was sitting in that very restaurant, enjoying this moment with my family, taking in all the laughter we were sharing.

This chandelier over our table was beautiful! I found myself becoming reminiscent of my fascination of my Memere's chandelier as a child. I thought of her strength and determination and drew my own from both.

The moment of realization that the uncomfortable traveling feelings were only a tiny part of what was really happening right then, filled me with ease. By taking in my surroundings, letting the unsettling thoughts just flow through me and not trying to over analyze them, was my aha! moment for sure!

When faced with uncomfortable, unsettling feelings Dear Readers, how we proceed is within our own powers. Try looking for your own chandelier... and all the light it can bring!