Sunday, February 24, 2013

Wispy White Reminder........

Snow kissed trees out the studio window

As coconut sprinkles make a cake look prettier, so does the falling snow (well not on a cake, but you know what I mean right??) on this Sunday afternoon. 

Somehow it just got a little prettier outside, as the yard is kissed in white. It changes the ordinary into extraordinary....the plain into pizzazz.

Not being a big fan of the winter months (I prefer longer daylight, mild temperatures and no snow & ice) I look for the good of winter. Funny story, after snow storm Nemo a few weeks ago, my family (minus me) were going out to shovel. As I remained inside with a never ending cold and bronchitis, I shouted to my husband, "you know I'd be out there helping if I could?" trying to conceal my smirk.  His playful reply..."Oh I know you are an inside kitty." We both knew even if I wasn't sick I wouldn't be out there shoveling. 

So as the snow of today falls in big wispy white flakes, I go to my happy place. I picture myself in a snow globe...magical and cozy inside my 320 year old farmhouse, with a cup of tea and a book at the ready....(still with a cold unfortunately) admiring the beauty outside my window. 

In true New England tradition, weather is ever changing. In the brief time I wrote this post the snow flurries have subsided. Realizing now it was sent to  serve as a reminder, to notice the beauty around us, while it is here, because we never know when it will vanish.

Find the beauty in your own world dear readers, sometimes it's closer than we think.....hold on tight.....and smile!

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