When I hear a line in a song or in a movie, or on television, that really speaks to me, I jot it down. I keep a collection of these thoughts on random slips of paper for moments just like this.....Today's winner is:
"It's time to be the best version of yourself"
The meaning and impact of these nine simple words are anything but simple. They are powerful, motivational and a gentle reminder that NOW is the time!
It is a forgiving statement and a starting point, whenever I look at it. It disregards the screw ups, shortcomings and less than motivated days, that together produce far from the best version of me, that I feel I can be.
It reaffirms the drive to get it right, while enjoying the journey along the way. After all
the little "getting it rights" add up to Life...and the pressure is eased when there is another NOW each time I choose to read that powerful slip of paper again...and again...and again!
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