Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A TIME TO SMILE............

Saturday, December 1st is almost here. YAY! Three days and counting. I must say I get a giddy rush when I think about it!!

I, along with a handful of family and friends will be kicking off the first (fingers crossed, soon to be annual) Smile & Stars Outing at Emerald Mall in North Attleboro, MA at 9:30 AM.

We are ready to bestow smiles, stars, and good cheer to people we meet.  The unknown 
of the responses is wildly bouncing around inside of me. How many people will we approach? will they be receptive? will they then continue on and share a smile with the next person? Kind of a smile challenge in it's own quirky way.

Ok so a tiny part of me hopes we are confronted by mall security so I can grin from ear to ear, while I explain we are here to brighten shoppers days with smiles and stars...not selling anything, not looking for donations...nothing commercial...just sharing SMILES!

Regardless of how it turns out, although 
I'm pretty hopeful that I will be reporting it was a fantastic experience, we will have accomplished what we set out to do....bring smiles to people we don't know!

These origami stars that we will be giving out, were made with love and laughter last weekend with friends. It was part of the scenario for me. Each star contains a special message inside..words of encouragement and kindness.

***EVEN IF YOU HAVEN'T GOTTEN IN TOUCH WITH ME, AND WOULD LIKE TO ATTEND...COME ON UP TO THE FOOD COURT AT 9:30 am AND JOIN IN, for as short or long as you would like.This is all such an informal wild card, that anything is possible.

Now for folks who are not able to join us...please embark on your own smile spreading crusade, wherever you find yourself Saturday morning. 
We can share stories later! 

There is such power in doing something positive...and starting is the only way to make it happen. So go ahead..make a difference...share a smile!


Pat said...

Maria - what a wonderful and loving thing to share (Smile and Stars Outing) with Christmas shoppers.

I wish you much success and I hope it brings you all the joy you dreamed it would bring!

Maria Holme said...

Pat, Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing on my blog. Your words are a great send off as I head out to the mall.
A gentle dusting of snow is falling....the icing on this sweet cake of Life.