Sunday, August 24, 2014

Little Moments....Big Results........

"The little things? The little moments? They aren't little! " ` Jon Kabat-Zinn

There is such value and importance in what seems like the tiniest of things. For a second think of how great it feels when a stranger holds the door open for us, offers a random compliment, allows us to go ahead of them in the check out line, co workers greeting us with a smile, or finding a note of encouragement from a loved one. It all feels good!!

Each take only a moment...but they are conscious choices that tells others we care, that we believe in kindness....and that we are living outwardly and are aware that everyone is going through "something" and can use a bright spot in their day. They are not alone on their journey! It is this "pay it forward" energy that builds momentum.

It is my belief that we have a responsibility to others to be kind and empathetic. It is a choice I make daily. Responsibility then transitions into desire and before you know it, lives are being touched with both kindness and tenderness. 

Together we can spread so much kindness!!!

This is a cycle of Life that I believe in. This choice!

POST DISCLOSURE: I originally posted this entry a couple of years ago. It is a message that still feels powerful in my Life. Things are busy right a fun way (I'll share with you soon) but I was feeling neglectful having not posted in a bit.  As always Dear Readers...Thanks for coming back for more.  


Saturday, August 9, 2014

House Cleaning...........

In the past few months I have written about quieting the static in my mind, recharging my emotional bank in order to live in a peaceful place or more accurately be equipped to handle what is thrown my way. For me the gentle balance works...most of the time, but by all means not all of the time. So periodically I refresh, evaluate and organize a bit.

A few weeks ago a patron at work asked "So what's new, Maria"?  I replied "I'm organizing areas of my home in an effort to quiet my mind."  She chuckled and said "let me know how it works out."

So here's the thing, it works out I began tackling the nuisances that subconsciously gnawed at me daily, in an ever so tiny way, I began to get results. 

Here's just a few I mastered, when I began to feel a difference......

1. Sorted, untangled and passed along items in my jewelry box. I tell you no lie.....when I open it now each morning and night and see things neatly placed.....the angels do sing.

2. Sat down and "unsubscribed" to many many junk emails that invade my inbox and create an influx of visual clutter that makes me twitch. Three weeks in and there are definitely less arriving. Such joy (and I am no longer giving out my email to stores etc. Just say NO!)

3. Eliminated a handful of games off my Ipad that I originally downloaded for fun...because honestly I no longer need to check my accuracy of tossing crumpled up paper in the trashcan or slice fruit at rapid speeds. Too stressful for this blogging mama.

4. Plastic be gone. I'm a saver when it comes to (well many things actually) reusable containers. I anticipate a future need, realistic or not and want to be ready. However, each time I open that darn bottom kitchen cupboard and they all come tumbling out, I remind myself that I never really go back to them. Realizing now I had started the saving habit of containers some 20 years ago (though have tossed frequently through the years) when the boys were little. I wanted them to be able to toddle over and  "play" with something in the kitchen while I prepared a meal. As you can imagine they haven't toddled in the kitchen in some time now.  So they're gone!...the containers that is, not the boys...although they are pretty scarce these days.

5. Deleted all kinds of contacts in my email and phone lists that are no longer valid. It was nonsense how many had accumulated. Although, I must say I had 3 contacts that were friends who have passed away...and I held on to them, because I want the gentle reminder of their smiling faces, along with how valuable and fragile Life is.

It is a wonderful reminder each time you return to something that you have taken care of for yourself  and discover the previous static and self talk of  "really? are you going to leave it that way" is eliminated and replaced with kinder more gentle words. The static is less and the calm is more.

The point is this Dear Readers....take a look around and notice what gnaws at you repeatedly on a day to day basis and see what you can clean up, organize or down right get rid of. Make it happen for you! Make it feel new! We're talking things here folks....not people...that's a whole other post for a whole other day.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Conscious Effort With A Mustache...................

It doesn't just happen, it isn't always easy and it does require deliberate effort.....  Simple gestures have the power to enrich our lives and so very sweetly those around us.

Living more consciously towards others just feels damn good to me! Sometimes it takes reminders...and then as soon as I do I feel recharged, like gasoline in a car....OK maybe not quite to intense but I'm hoping you'll give it a try.

Last week I was in a doctor's waiting room and an elderly women walked by. I complimented her on her embroidered jeans. I was thinking it and I wanted to let her know. She turned with a smile and thanked me. Her husband who was waiting for her chimed in with "I have a pair at home too." The playful banter provided levity for all of us to enjoy....then and later also whenever I think back to it.

While out for very yummy frozen yogurt last weekend, all the outside tables were taken. Still space at them mind you, but occupied just the same. In a deliberate manner, I pretended to go sit down and said 'hey mind if we sit with you??" The two guys gave a hesitant stare, which quickly turned to a welcoming "sure." I explained I was just goofing but always thought it would be fun to live in the South, where I envisioned everyone knowing everyone and chatting around town.  One of the guys explained that he was actually from Texas, here teaching at Rhode Island School of Design. Conversation went in an artful direction for a bit and ended with smiles and well wishes all around. It was just fun!!

One last recap (which I am not sure if I have shared still stays with me and I like to share it) While shopping recently a small boy, hand in hand with his Mom were walking towards me. He was wearing a playful cut out mustache. I commented how great it looked and I was so happy to have run into him while shopping because it made me happy! I thanked him for brightening my day! We high fived and went on our way.

As I walked away I heard him sweetly say to his Mom " I made her happy!!"
It warmed my heart more than I had imagined my commenting would.

Go ahead Dear Readers let out those happy thoughts you may be thinking while out on errands or at work....touch some lives with smiles, kind words and feel the vibe.