Sharing my thoughts and feelings regarding family, positive living and my quest to maintain inner peace and happiness, all while touching people's lives with kindness along the way ~
As I said goodbye to 2013 and welcomed 2014, surrounded by friends, I took an oath to be part of something new and "mix things up". I was feeling the itch. You know that antsy feeling of being stagnant with a few aspects in your Life and it then effects even the things that once felt good? That's where I was. Ready for change, I began formulating my plan. So many ideas. My first attempt was shot down, because it needed to be accepted and approved by someone else. A Blessing in disguise, the experience empowered me to take hold of the reigns (which quite honestly makes reigns) and set out on a search. I have put a few things in "go" mode and eagerly work on them weekly.
One has resulted in my taking on an additional part time job, with the elderly, in the activities department. The first week, is where it got uncomfortable. It confirmed for me...... The unknown.........makes me uncomfortable Meeting new people & having them get to know me......makes me uncomfortable Wandering around the building, not always sure where to go...what to do.... makes me uncomfortable Being responsible for the residents safety when they are in my care.......makes me uncomfortable Thinking about the germ exposure.....makes me uncomfortable Coming home & thinking "am I liking this"...makes me uncomfortable ....and then it afternoon this week while these wonderful people sat in their wheel chairs, all together in a large room, while songs of the 50's blared out from the speakers, I be-bopped around them dancing and smiling and watching their wrinkly silk hands start to move and respond. It warmed my heart to see the glistening of delight in their eyes. A few even got up to dance! (must say I became a tad concerned, but I had completed CPR certification the day prior and heck we were having fun) Along with fellow coworkers, we danced to one song after another and marveled at their enjoyment of songs from years gone by. I stopped and honestly thought "I am so glad I am here and having this experience!!" The feeling of being uncomfortable is quickly easing! As I drove home, I truly gave thanks for not making any quick decisions. The experience is a Life lesson worth sharing for sure. When Life feels uncomfortable and our response is to quickly make it stop, hang in there, listen to your heart and...... wait for the dance!
"Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray." Jalaluddin Rumi It starts as a whisper and we have to listen closely to hear it, however the more we really listen the louder it gets. In the past few weeks I have had the extreme pleasure off chatting with special people in my Life. In each instance the conversation turned to listening to the whisper. It feels as though our gut response is to ignore it, as if we are not deserving or too paralyzed by the fear of what making changes may mean. We pondered....... I say hogwash! (she said timidly) Let's take it on as a challenge, modify it where need be and hear the whisper loud and clear......and believe it will NOT lead us astray. Create a moving forward plan, and take confidence in knowing that a step at a time is always the beginning of any journey worth taking!
On a recent snowy day here in New England I needed to clear my head, I also needed to return books to the library. So I combined the two and walked over. Not a far walk at all. As I headed out on my jaunt, I was welcomed by the falling snow, the quietness it brings and the soft whisper of dried oak leaves on a tree I passed. I tossed around the problems that were bothering me, then tried to let them fade and gather all the calmness this serene walk had to offer, glad I had made the choice to venture out. My stop at the library was ever so brief, and I was back on my way to resume my peaceful walk home.......Well here's where it all changed. The wind was making it difficult to walk now, while snow hit my face in rapid fire speed, my eyes watered and my breath was short. What had happened??? As I focused on walking, I compared this situation to Life. We can be going along and all seems wonderful and effortless. We notice the gifts around us as we are ticking along and just as we become confident, things can quickly change...... suddenly the wind is no longer at our backs. We are faced with stressful and difficultsituations and a our gifts and blessing are tougher to see. Similarly, as I continued my way home, walking into the wind and eyes all watery I had to focus a bit more. I stopped and snapped a picture of the beautiful oak tree that still held the same whispering sounds I heard on my way by the first time, when all was peaceful and calm. I wanted to capture and hold onto the moment and the meaning it served. I reminded myself that blessings are still there even when the wind is no longer at our backs helping us along....we just have to stop and notice them and hold on tight until the winds shift again. Find your blessings...the more you look....the more you see ~