Sharing my thoughts and feelings regarding family, positive living and my quest to maintain inner peace and happiness, all while touching people's lives with kindness along the way ~
As we bid farewell to 2013, I play a photo montage in my mind of the year in review. There was laughter and tears, setbacks and milestones. For me, mental notes were taken and lessons were learned. During the difficult times I learned the power of patience and serenity. Feelings of being scared or sad will ease and things really do feel a tad better in the light of day. Throughout the year, I was both the comforter and the "comfortee". It is when we turn to others and ask for help, we open the possibilities to strengthen tenderness, understanding & connections. The love of family and friends prevailed, and together we saw each other through. Happy and joyful times reminded me of the importance of joining in and making things happen. The benefits of being part of something fun provides me with "fall back" moments, so when things aren't feeling so good, I have something joyous to remember. Whether your thoughts for the new year are "out of the box, let's mix things up" or "smooth sailing please" wish for you is that they come true! 2014 here I come! Cheers ~
The moment to reflect before guests arrive (suggestion from my last posting) is here! I choose to dash off wishes to you my Dear Readers. For when I write, I am at Peace. May your holiday celebrations be full of Blessings that make you smile ~ May joyful memories be made so you can store them in your heart for a Lifetime. ....And as we embark on 2014 together, I wish health, happiness & things that are new and exciting to feed our souls! Peace! Maria ~
Making my list and checking it twice...... With Christmas a week away we are all hearing it....."so are you ready?" And we all know what that means "shopping done?" The holiday is truly defined by many as obligatory gift exchange, preparing large meals, cleaning house, and stressing to the point of being disgruntled.
Well not for this bloggin' mama! As my faithful readers know I believe in "know thyself"! Translated...keeping stress level to a minimum and know the triggers. For me the above does not define how I feel about Christmas at all. I believe in festive celebrations, time with people who hold a special place in my heart and simple kind gestures. I have discovered that not sweating the small stuff and lowering my expectations to a more realistic level of what I want to accomplish, works wonders. As a result memories (fun ones) are made, lives are touched and the season ticks along merry and bright.
As with all things worth having, we need to make an effort. The way I look at it is.....if it's going to be a whole lot of effort to keep going on the Christmas hamster wheel, and it doesn't make ya' happy, why not focus the effort into taking a breath, defining what is important in your heart and feel the love that you give out, coming right back around to you.
So how about you check THIS list twice? 1. Write a letter to someone special 2. When having guests over, give them a little favor when they leave. Try personalizing an ornament to remember the gathering 3. Commit to three simple deeds to brighten someone's day 4. Write a note to each of your children, sharing some of the qualities you love about them 5. Pick up few $5.00 gift cards and have fun passing them out. (to people you don't all means) 6. Turn down someone's bed in the house with a Sweet Dreams note (now that would be some one you DO know for goodness sakes) 7. Leave candy on a co worker's desk and help them guess who may have left it 8. Cut out snowflakes and hang them around the house 9. When preparing for guests to arrive, leave enough time (which you will have if you tossed Martha Stewart ideas out the window) and sit quietly and think about the intent of the get, friends and happiness. 10. Rinse and repeat
Sunday, December 8, 2013
What I'm Lovin' About Today! Not having to go to work Curling up for an early morning Christmas movie The smell of peppermint as I garnish candy cane powder over brownies The tiny points of light that sparkle on the tree, when I squint just a bit The sound of Christmas music Thought of spending time with friends & neighbors for conversation & caroling Decorations through out the house that make me smile
My gloves, minus the fingertips, which is making typing this post a whole lot cozier The smell of blueberry muffins someone else in the house has made