While contemplating which area I would tackle for my final installment on Happier At Home, I tried to find something that brings me frustration in my home.
Thankfully the list is short. Exploring family and possessions in my two previous posts has yielded a bit more of a harmonious atmosphere...also I think my perception has shifted, providing similar results too. It is important to note that the harmony and more moments of happiness are certainly not constant...nor would I want them to be, because my thought is: the bumpy times make the alternative of smooth and happy all the more appreciated in contrast.
Today the challenge I share is:
TIME: when I really stop and think about it, time holds such a pivotal piece of this journey of discovering more happiness at home. Needing time to master the changes/additions I have put in place as a result of this journey, is key. I need to make the time to accomplish the tasks that seem to bring those happier moments.
Secondly, a huge wake up call is, being aware of how I spend my time. So much hinges on that very concept! For example when I get lost on the computer, that then takes time away from "stuff" that needs to get done (clean & organized does bring me happiness) and fun activities I could be doing instead. But one has to ask "doesn't being on the computer bring me happiness in it's own right?" Perhaps there's happiness and then there's mindless fun and happiness. I'll have to explore that further at some point.
Back to my time...while being more conscious of this precious gift recently, I did see how I could ease some of the stresses by using my time more thoughtfully. I found myself getting ready for work a bit earlier so not to be rushed, lingered at the dinner table longer to facilitate family conversation, put errands aside to call a friend and stop by for a visit. Perhaps one of the things that really helped was, at various moments stopping and asking myself "is this really how I choose to spend my time right now?" and then making adjustments if my answer was no. Granted a bit tricky when at work or doing a "must do", but that's when I can go to my "happy place" and dream for just a bit.
I find when I think of time as a gift, I, use it more wisely...hold on to it dearly...and consider it an avenue to make a difference in both my Life and the Lives of others.
Taking this journey to be Happier At Home has been a fulfilling one, one that I'm so glad I took....and will continue to take. Gretchen Rubin's book served as a reminder and a wake up call to the abilities we have in our lives, and the important role we Moms play in our homes.
I can truly say...."I am happier at Holme!"
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