Quick recap: Recently I discovered author Gretchen Rubin. It was like finding a new friend who understood the thoughts in my head and has the amazing talent to sort them out and make sense of it all and then put them into words. A treasure to find!
I am setting out on my own discovery using her second project "Happier At Home" as my guide and blogging about it along the way.
*** The first area I am choosing to create more happiness within my home will be:
POSSESSIONS: I am of the partial belief that "money can't buy happiness." Materialistic energy and the driving force it creates to "keep up with the Jones'" holds no value for me as far as living genuinely and authentically.
Now that being said, I do believe that money can ease financial burdens and as a result ease stress and for me that = times of happiness!
I decided to tackle the possession portion of my Happier At Home journey, by going through, eliminating and passing along STUFF. My check list for what to hold or toss consists of asking myself: does it add value to my Life? Hold sentimental meaning? Do I have something else similar, so this is extra? Have I used it in a year? Can I live without it? Does it give me a good feeling when I see it?
Going through closets, cupboards and drawers as part of the purging portion of my possessions is going well and I must say there are happy moments associated with it already.
The part that is bringing me an abundance of joy is seeing the possessions I
choose to have.....that give me THAT feeling. The ones that each time I see them make me smile, they feel good, add a special value in my Life. I truly believe these types of things are different for every person. For me it's a variety of things including a frame, a wooden box with a design that really appeals to me and a journal book that I have yet to start writing in, but love just the same.
Other possession aspects that make me Happier At Home would have to include the recent changes to "summerize" our bedroom...you know "to make more summery", Now with white sheers in the windows, light aqua and blue bedding with sheets having a thread count that feels amazing, I get THAT feeling.... I kid you not each time I go into my room I love how it makes me feel! Simple changes big reward.
So my vote would have to be...if you are looking to simplify the STUFF in your home, add value to your Life through possessions that really matter...consider assessing your own belongings and see how they personally make you feel and be certain they provide a useful connection in your Life in order to have them around.
By reading Happier At Home I am inspired to be more mindful of my possessions, evaluate them to be certain they hold the proper value in my Life, and be aware of what I purchase...all in my quest to be Happier At Home!
Wednesday post will include the next step of my Happier At Home journey: FAMILY
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