Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Give A Little......

A shift is the aftermath of tender lives senselessly lost, Random Acts of Kindness are popping up all over of the place! There is a buzz and vibration that is building momentum. Have you heard about it?? Better yet.... have you felt it??? Here's a chance to join a part of something that is touching lives!

I am sharing two links that tell of Random Acts of Kindness that have already taken place since last Friday. Please check them out and think about a little something you can do to add to your own part of the world.

Anne Curry kicks off #26Acts    Link to the left

From Guerrilla Goodness          Link to the left

Also, for inspiration is a link below to a video a friend recently shared with me. It's about "Love....give a little...get a little of your own".  My friend sweetly wrote "I'm holding on to the thought that when the world ends Dec 21, 2012, it will be the old world. A new world of compassion, caring and the courage to act on these feelings will usher in the new and improved world."  I love that, along with all the meaning and hopefulness it brings.

Give A Little Love                  Link to the left

Grab hold my friends...Life is such a gift and it's meant to be shared.

***Technical note: Links are in the larger type above

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